EIGHT (two of each) MILLION, BILLION, TRILLION and ZILLION Dollar Bills.
If you have ever dreamt of being a Millionaire or maybe even a Billionaire now you can be both and a Trillionaire and Zillionaire too! Great Novelty Bills to collect or surprise your friends and family with the next time you send them a Birthday Card. Great fun when playing cards, why not raise them a Million or more at your next Poker game ;0)
©The UK Novelty Dollar Shop watermark, will not be on the Bills.
Two of each Bill so you can display front and back if you are framing them.
MISS LIBERTY One MILLION Dollar Bills. 1,000,000 - The front of the Bill shows New York's Statue of Liberty. The back has the U.S. Capitol building.
AMERICAN EAGLE One BILLION Dollar Bills. 1,000,000,000 - The front of the Bill pictures the American Eagle and has George Washington FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and Alexander Hamilton FIRST SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY printed either side of the main picture. The back pictures the American Eagle in flight holding the Stars and Stripes flag in its talons. IN GOD WE TRUST is printed below.
STATUE OF LIBERTY One TRILLION Dollar Bills. 1,000,000,000,000 - The front of the Bill pictures the STATUE OF LIBERTY. The back of the Bills pictures the AMERICAN EAGLE with the STARS AND STRIPES FLAG.
AMERICAN EAGLE One ZILLION Dollar Bills. 1,000,000,000,000,000? - The front of the Bill pictures an Eagle with IN GOD WE TRUST printed below. The following is also printed on the front THIS BILL HAS NO VALUE AS OUR MONEY WILL SOON HAVE NO VALUE, CONGRESS IS SPENDING OUR NATION INTO BANKRUPTCY IT IS JUST TAKING A WHILE TO ACCOMPLISH IT THE SAD PART IS THE CONGRESSMEN AND SENATORS DO NOT SEEM TO HAVE THE COMMON SENSE TO RECOGNIZE THE PROBLEM. The back of the Bills picture two Eagles with the American flag. ONE ZILLION DOLLARS and IN GOD WE TRUST is also printed on the back.
The Bills are the same size as real American dollars and have quality printing on quality paper. They look great framed.